What Is the Black Gunk in My Dishwasher? – Solved!

The task of the dishwasher is to clean your dishes, so it can be scary when you find black residue inside the machine. It may also emit an unpleasant smell.

What can cause black stuff to appear in the dishwasher and how can we get rid of it? Let me shed some light on the subject.

The black substance that appears in the dishwasher is mostly caused by black yeast, but it can also be mold.

The conditions necessary for the development of fungi are easily created inside the dishwasher: a dark and moist place, good temperature and organic matter.

Ordinary washing cycles do not prevent the development of microorganisms in the dishwasher, as some fungi tolerate heat well and can feed on the salt in detergents.

Is the black stuff in my dishwasher mold?

Black yeasts

A study published in the National Library of Medicine looked at pathogens found in dishwashers. In the research, more than 35 fungal strains were discovered in the dishwashers, predominantly on the rubber seals.


Mold usually grows on porous materials such as paper, gypsum boards, or wood. The dishwasher’s metal, plastic, and rubber parts are non-porous materials, so mold can only settle on them if there is some organic material on them that they can feed on.

Fungal spores are always present in our environment, in the outdoor and indoor air, food, and water. When optimal living conditions are created for them, they begin to grow.

Fungi most often settle in the rubber seals, doors, side nozzles, and drains of the dishwasher. These microorganisms can spread further from the dishwasher. If you open the machine’s door before the end of the drying process, microorganisms will be released into the air along with the escaping steam.

Dishwasher inside
Clean dishwasher

Is dishwasher residue toxic?

Mold and other fungi produce allergens, irritants, and mycotoxins. These substances can cause an allergic reaction, such as coughing, runny nose, throat, and eye irritation, as well as skin itching and rash in those who are sensitive to them.

Not everyone reacts to these substances in the same way, and in some people, they cause no symptoms at all. The irritation caused by mold is particularly dangerous for people with allergies and asthma, immunocompromised people, and small children.

How do I clean the gunk out of my dishwasher?

Remove all moving parts from the dishwasher and check where you can see the black stuff. You can remove the black material from the dishwasher with a plastic brush or a hard sponge and warm, soapy water.

Since some types of fungi cause skin irritation in people who are sensitive to them, it is always best to wear rubber gloves when cleaning areas with black residue. If you are sensitive or allergic to mold or fungal spores, you can also use a mask to avoid inhaling the allergens and mycotoxins they produce.

You may also wish to read about the possible reasons your dishwasher is not cleaning as it should.

How do I prevent gunk build-up in my dishwasher?

Since both mold and yeast need organic matter to grow, regular cleaning is the best way to prevent their growth in the dishwasher.


The dishwasher filter should be checked and cleaned regularly, especially if you don’t take care to scrape bits of food off the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. The exception to this is dishwashers with self-cleaning filters, which grind food residue and remove it with wastewater.

It is best to wash your dishwasher at regular intervals, at least every two months. Special dishwasher cleaners are best for this purpose. If you prefer to use a natural substance for disinfection, you can replace the commercial cleaner with a glass of white vinegar and some baking soda.

How to clean a dishwasher with white vinegar and baking soda

To clean the dishwasher, select the self-cleaning cycle if the machine has it. If your dishwasher doesn’t have a self-cleaning program, you can also choose an intensive cycle with warm water.

It is better for the dishwasher if it is used regularly and not left out of service for a long time. And on a similar subject, find out how often people wash dishes.

Final thoughts

It may come as a shock to you that your dishwasher provides an optimal environment for the development of various molds and black yeasts that can result in the formation of black gunk.

Fungi and the deposits they build up can be a health risk, especially for young children and people with compromised health. We expect a high level of hygiene from the dishwasher so that we can use our dishes again without any health risks.


The best way to prevent the appearance of black gunk in the dishwasher is to clean it regularly.



My name is Debora, the founder of My Delicious Sweets, and a qualified confectioner with broad experience in the confectionery industry. On my blog, I will share important, interesting, and fun facts about food, along with some of my favorite recipes.

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