What Is the Raising Agent in Puff Pastry?

Puff pastry is a versatile dough widely used in baking and cooking, with culinary applications ranging from sweet to savory dishes, making it a staple in the culinary world.

Its characteristic light and flaky texture is achieved through the unique layering and rising process. The French name for puff pastry is “Pâte Feuilletée”, which refers to a type of pastry made from many layers of thin dough separated by butter, visible in a well-made puff pastry.

Puff pastry typically does not contain yeast or baking powder; leavening is achieved solely through steam created during baking. The high water content in the dough and butter transforms into vapour, causing the layers to puff up and separate, resulting in a light, airy, and incredibly flaky texture.

The Technique of Layering and Rolling in Puff Pastry

The folding and rolling process in a puff pastry recipe is a fundamental technique that plays an essential role in creating the layers and achieving the impressive volume rise of puff pastry. This technique, often referred to as “laminating,” involves alternating layers of butter and dough through a series of folds and rolls.

The process begins with a layer of dough that is rolled out to a specific thickness. A block of cold butter is placed onto one half of the dough and then folded over, encasing the butter entirely within the dough.

The dough with the encased butter is then rolled out again, creating a larger rectangle. The rectangle is then folded into thirds like a letter: the bottom third is folded up, and the top third is folded down over it. This results in three layers of dough separated by two layers of butter.

Palmiers on a plate

The folded dough is turned 90 degrees, and the rolling and folding process is repeated. The repeated folding and rolling create thin layers of butter sandwiched between layers of dough. With each fold, the number of layers increases exponentially. For example, after the second fold, there will be a total of 9 layers (3×3). After the third fold, there will be 27 layers (3x3x3), and so on.


Between each fold, the dough is chilled in the refrigerator. Chilling allows the butter to firm up, preventing it from melting and seeping into the dough layers, ensuring distinct layers.

During baking, the moisture in the butter and dough turns into steam due to high baking temperatures. The steam’s pressure forces the layers to separate and rise, resulting in the puff pastry’s characteristic flakiness and height. Puff pastry needs a high initial burst of heat to quickly turn the water content in the dough and butter into steam, so always place it in a preheated oven and bake at 400°F (200°C).

What Can Hinder the Rise of Puff Pastry

The insufficient rise in puff pastry can lead to disappointing results, such as dense and flat pastries rather than the desired flaky, airy texture.

1. Inadequate Temperature and Butter Incorporation

Using butter that is too cold or warm can lead to poor layer separation. Keep the butter cold and firm throughout the process to maintain distinct layers. If the butter starts to soften during rolling, chill the dough before continuing.

Not giving the dough enough time to rest between folds can lead to tough layers and uneven rise. Insufficient chilling between folds can cause the butter to melt and the layers to blend.

Improper sealing of the butter within the dough can lead to butter leakage during baking, impacting the rise and flakiness. Seal the edges well during folding to prevent the butter from escaping.


2. Inconsistent Rolling and Folding Technique

Rolling the dough unevenly can result in uneven layering and rise. Aim for consistent thickness during rolling to ensure uniform rise. Improper folding can also disrupt layer formation. Adding too much flour during rolling can dry out the dough and hinder its rise. Use only enough flour to prevent sticking, and brush off excess flour between folds.

3. Inadequate Baking Temperature

Most puff pastry recipes call for baking at a high temperature, typically around 400°F (200°C) or even higher, to ensure that the steam is rapidly generated and the pastry achieves its characteristic rise and flakiness. Additionally, always make sure your oven is fully preheated before placing the pastry inside. Baking puff pastry at low temperatures or placing it in a non-preheated oven may result in a collapsed or misshapen pastry.

To avoid these mistakes, it’s essential to follow the puff pastry recipe and instructions carefully, paying close attention to details such as dough temperature, folding techniques, resting times, and baking temperatures.

Classic Puff Pastry

Differences Between Puff Pastry, Danish Pastry, and Croissants

Puff pastry, Danish pastry, and croissants are all popular and flaky baked goods, yet differences in their leavening methods contribute to their unique textures and flavors. While on the subject of differences between pastry types, you may wish to read my article on why puff pastry isn’t a Viennoiserie.

All three pastries rely on the lamination process, which creates the characteristic flaky layers in these pastries. Puff pastry relies solely on steam for rising, while croissants and Danish pastry incorporate yeast, resulting in a slightly chewy texture. The steam generated during baking also enhances their flakiness.

Overview of Rising Agents

Physical, chemical, and biological raising agents are essential components in baking that contribute to the rise and soft, airy texture of baked goods. Each type of raising agent works through different mechanisms.


1. Physical Raising Mediums

Steam is a natural physical raising agent that forms when moisture in the dough turns into steam during baking. The heat causes the water to evaporate and expand, creating steam pockets within the product. The steam contributes to lift and lightness, particularly in products like puff pastry and choux pastry.

Air can be used as a physical raising agent in doughs and batters by incorporating it by sieving the dry ingredients. Sieving not only removes lumps from the flour but also helps to ensure an even distribution of air throughout the mixture. Another way to incorporate air into baked goods is by mixing or whisking.

When you whisk or beat ingredients, you create friction that disrupts the surface of the liquid and introduces air bubbles. This action causes the mixture to expand and become lighter in texture. This trapped air can then expand during baking when exposed to heat, contributing to the rise of the dough or batter.

2. Chemical Leavening Agents

Baking powder is a chemical-raising agent that contains both an acid (usually cream of tartar) and a base (usually baking soda). When mixed with wet ingredients and exposed to heat, the acid and base react, releasing carbon dioxide gas. This gas gets trapped in the dough or batter, causing it to rise and create a light, fluffy texture.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is another chemical-raising agent. It requires an acidic ingredient, such as buttermilk, yogurt, or lemon juice, to activate its leavening properties. When combined with acid, baking soda produces carbon dioxide gas, leading to dough or batter expansion. Baking soda is often used in recipes where an acidic ingredient is present, such as quick bread and the tasty and easy-to-make yogurt cake.

Ammonium bicarbonate is often used in the production of gingerbread, as it releases carbon dioxide gas at a lower temperature compared to other leavening agents. This gentle reaction helps these baked goods achieve a delicate rise and a characteristic texture.


However, it’s important to note that ammonium bicarbonate has a distinct odor during baking, which dissipates as gingerbread cools, leaving behind only the aroma of honey and spices.

3. Biological Leaveners

Yeast is a single-celled biological raising agent. Yeast ferments the sugars present in the dough, producing carbon dioxide and alcohol as byproducts. The carbon dioxide gas gets trapped in the dough, causing it to rise and expand. Commercial yeast and sourdough cultures containing wild yeast strains are commonly used in fermented dough products such as bread.

While on the subject of leavening agents, you may be interested in my article on which types of pastry doughs contain yeast, and which types don’t.

Final Thoughts

Unlike other pastries, puff pastry relies solely on steam for its rise during baking, without the requirement of biological or chemical raising agents. 

Puff pastry achieves its distinctive rise through the steam generated during baking, resulting in the separation and expansion of its multiple layers. The technique of layering and rolling, known as laminating, plays a crucial role in creating the multitude of layers that define puff pastry’s characteristic appearance and texture.

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