Does Kneading Dough Make It More Airy?

Bread dough on a floured granite surface.

What images come to your mind when you think about a freshly baked loaf of bread? You’re on the right track if you’re imagining a fluffy slice with an even and aerated texture. Kneading is the key process that makes this delightful texture possible. Let’s begin by understanding gluten, which is like the scaffold of … Read more

Are Eggs Considered Wet Ingredients?

White and brown whole eggs in an egg carton, with two cracked egg halves with egg yolks on top.

While some ingredients are undoubtedly easy to classify, others can leave you questioning their category, such as eggs. In this blog post, we’ll answer whether eggs are considered wet or dry ingredients and explain their composition and function in baking. Eggs are typically classified as wet ingredients in baking due to their high water content … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Bread Dough and Croissant Dough?

A bowl of croissants

While both bread and croissants share most of their ingredients, they diverge in composition, preparation, and purpose. This article will explore the distinctions between bread dough and croissant dough, helping you understand their fundamental characteristics. Bread and croissants are both made using yeast-leavened dough, but there are significant differences in ingredient ratios, preparation and shaping … Read more

Is Brioche the Same as Croissant Dough? Exploring Differences and Similarities

Croissants and brioches

Two French baked goods have gained popularity worldwide: brioche and croissant. Both belong to the rich and buttery pastries known as Viennoiseries, but are they made from the same dough? In this blog post, we will explore the key differences between brioche and croissant dough, exploring why they are distinct despite sharing some similarities. The … Read more

Is Bread Better If You Let It Rise Longer? The Benefits of Extended Fermentation

A basket full of bread loaves.

Ever wondered if letting your dough rise longer leads to a better result? In this article, we’ll explore the science and techniques behind extended fermentation, and whether this extra time investment truly makes a difference in achieving a better bread. Allowing the dough to undergo longer fermentation has several significant effects on the bread’s characteristics, … Read more

Why Does Baking Require Precise Measurement?

A digital kitchen scale with an epmty metal bowl, showing number 0 on the display.

Ever wondered why some baked goods come out perfectly while others end up as disappointments? Well, when it comes to baking, accuracy is essential. This article aims to explore the significance of precise measurement in baking and how it can help you in your kitchen work. Precise measurement is an absolute must in baking because … Read more