Why Put Whey in Bread? Exploring the Benefits

A cut loaf of bread on a cutting board

Whey is a liquid byproduct that is obtained during the cheese-making process. Incorporating whey into your bread recipes can provide numerous benefits, including enhanced flavor, improved texture, and increased nutritional value. In this article, we will examine the reasons why using whey in bread is a good idea. Adding whey to bread yields several positive … Read more

Does Milk Powder Help Bread Rise?

Round bread with a slash on top

Baking perfect, fluffy bread involves various factors, including the ingredients used. Milk powder is a commonly used dough conditioning ingredient in bread recipes. The question arises: does milk powder contribute to the rise of bread? In this article, we will explore the role of milk powder in bread baking and its impact on achieving a … Read more

Why Does Yeast Need Sugar to Ferment?

A white cup and a saucer full of sugar cubes.

Yeast, a single-celled organism and type of fungus, plays a crucial role in producing soft and tasty baked goods, as well as beer and wine, through its fermentation activity. During fermentation, yeast generates alcohol and carbon dioxide. However, have you ever wondered why yeast requires sugar to work? Yeast relies on sugar for fermentation because … Read more

What Happens If You Don’t Slash Bread?

A loaf of bread

Slashing or scoring bread refers to making shallow cuts or incisions on the surface of the dough before baking. When it comes to baking bread, this seemingly small detail plays a crucial role in the bread-making process and greatly influences the final outcome. In this article, we will explore the importance of scoring bread and … Read more

What Does Acid Do to Bread Dough: Understanding the Role of Acid in Baking

Two balls of bread dough on a floured granite surface.

Acids play a crucial role in bread-making by influencing various aspects of the dough, fermentation process, texture, and flavor of the final bread. This article aims to provide a brief overview of how acid influences various aspects of bread-making. In bread dough, the acidity that develops naturally through fermentation, as well as the use of … Read more

What Are the Disadvantages of a Bread Maker? – Insights from Personal Experience

Whole wheat bread slices

While bread makers offer undeniable benefits, such as convenience and time-saving, they also come with a set of disadvantages. Through my personal experience, I have discovered both their advantages and limitations. In this article, we will explore the downsides of bread makers and the challenges that bread maker owners may face. While bread makers can … Read more

Can You Use a Sourdough Starter That Smells Like Acetone?

bubbling sourdough starter in a glass bowl

Sourdough bread not only has a distinctive, tangy flavor but it’s also believed to be healthier and easier to digest. However, there are many factors that can affect the quality of the sourdough bread. One common issue that sourdough bakers encounter is a starter that smells like acetone. In this article, we’ll explore what causes … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Basic Bread and Quick Bread?

Irish soda bread dough on a baking paper.

Bread has been a staple food for centuries, with countless variations and styles across cultures and regions. Among the many types of bread, two main categories stand out: basic bread and quick bread. While both types share similarities, such as the use of flour and baking, there are fundamental differences in their preparation, ingredients, and … Read more

Why is My Bread Hard After Cooling?

A baguette

Freshly baked bread is delightful and loved by many. However, homemade bread can sometimes become hard and dry after cooling, which can be frustrating, especially after putting in so much effort to make the perfect loaf. In this article, we will explore some common reasons why bread turns hard after cooling and offer tips to … Read more