What Is the Difference Between Basic Bread and Quick Bread?

Bread has been a staple food for centuries, with countless variations and styles across cultures and regions. Among the many types of bread, two main categories stand out: basic bread and quick bread.

While both types share similarities, such as the use of flour and baking, there are fundamental differences in their preparation, ingredients, and nutritional values. Understanding these differences is essential for any home cook or baking enthusiast looking to make the perfect loaf or quick bread recipe.

In this article, we will explore the differences between basic bread and quick bread, to help you choose the right recipe for your needs and preferences.

Basic bread typically contains yeast or sourdough starter as a leavening agent, so it requires kneading the dough to develop gluten and a longer rising time. 

Quick bread is made from a batter or a thicker dough that doesn't contain yeast, so it doesn't require a long rising time. Instead, it relies on baking powder or baking soda to rise. They're called "quick" because they can be mixed together and baked in a short amount of time.

Basic Bread

Ingredients and Their Functions

The ingredients of basic bread typically include flour, water, yeast, salt, and sometimes sugar and oil. Here is a brief explanation of the function of each ingredient:

  1. Flour: provides the structure and texture of the bread.
  2. Water: activates the yeast and helps to hydrate the flour.
  3. Yeast: leavens the bread by producing carbon dioxide gas, which causes the dough to rise.
  4. Salt: enhances the flavor of the bread and also helps to regulate the fermentation process.
  5. Sugar: provides food for the yeast and also helps to brown the crust of the bread.
  6. Oil: adds moisture to the bread and can also help to keep it soft.
Irish soda bread

Kneading and Rising Process

Once the ingredients are combined, the dough is kneaded to develop gluten, which gives the bread its characteristic structure and texture. Kneading involves working the dough with your hands or using a machine, such as the high-quality Kenwood Chef mixer, which helps to stretch and align the gluten strands. This creates a network of proteins that trap gas bubbles produced by the yeast, allowing the bread to rise.

After kneading, the dough is left to rise for a period of time, usually a few hours. During this time, the yeast ferments the sugars in the dough, producing carbon dioxide gas, which causes the bread to rise and become light and airy. The dough can be shaped into loaves or rolls and then left to rise again before being baked.


Basic bread is baked at a high temperature, usually around 400-450°F (200-230°C) for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown. Heat causes the moisture in the dough to evaporate, forming a crust on the outside of the bread. The crust protects the bread and helps it to stay fresh for longer. Once the bread is baked, it should be allowed to cool before slicing and serving.

Basic bread includes pizza dough, baguettes, sandwich bread, dinner rolls, and other types of bread made with yeast or sourdough starter. While discussing the distinctions among baked goods, I invite you to explore my article on the differences between bread and croissant dough.

Quick Bread

Ingredients and Their Functions

  1. Flour: provides structure and texture to the bread.
  2. Leavening agent: provides rise to the bread. Quick bread uses chemical leavening agents.
  3. like baking powder or baking soda, which react with acid to produce carbon dioxide and create bubbles in the batter, causing the bread to rise.
  4. An acidic ingredient, most commonly buttermilk or yogurt, which reacts with chemical leavening agents.
  5. Salt: enhances the flavor of the bread.
  6. Fat: adds moisture to the bread and contributes to its flavor and texture.
  7. Water, Milk, or other liquids: provides moisture to the dough and helps to activate the leavening agent.
  8. Sugar: provides sweetness to the bread and also helps to create a brown, crispy crust on the outside. Banana bread uses mashed bananas as a natural sweetener and moistener.
  9. Some possible add-ins include blueberries, chocolate chip, or savory cheese and herbs.
Martha Stuart’s Irish Soda Bread

Mixing and Baking Process

Quick bread can be sweet or savory, and include things like Irish soda bread, muffins, biscuits, scones, and banana bread.

Mixing is a crucial step in the process of making quick bread, as it helps to evenly distribute the ingredients and activate the leavening agent. Quick bread can be made from batter, such as muffins or banana bread, or from a thicker dough, such as Irish soda bread.

The ingredients should not be mixed for too long, but only until they are combined, otherwise the bread may become tough. Once the batter is mixed, it is ready to be baked in a preheated oven.

Once the quick bread is baked, let it cool in the pan for a few minutes before removing it and letting it cool completely on a wire rack. This helps to prevent the bread from becoming soggy or sticking to the pan. Once the bread is cool, it is ready to be sliced and served.


Final Thoughts

Basic bread has been a staple food in many cultures for centuries and has undergone many regional and cultural variations. For example, in France, basic bread is traditionally made using a long fermentation process, resulting in a crusty, flavorful bread known as a baguette. In Italy, basic bread is often made using sourdough and is used as a base for pizza.

Quick bread, on the other hand, emerged in the late 1800s and early 1900s as a result of the introduction of chemical leavening agents such as baking powder and soda. These ingredients allowed for a faster and easier bread-making process, as they did not require the long fermentation times needed for yeast-based bread

Today, both basic bread and quick bread continue to be popular around the world, with a wide variety of recipes and variations available. While basic bread and quick bread differ in their ingredients, leavening agents, and preparation methods, they both play an important role in the history and evolution of bread-making.

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